Synopsis: addTrigger( name, regExp, do, breakOn, isActive ) name : The trigger's name. (used by other functinos to access this trigger) regExp : Assume a line is read from the server. If line =~ regExp the trigger is "triggered". do : If you give a string here, the line read from the server is processed like line =~ s/regExp/do/g, and then printed like usual. If you specify a sub ref, then the sub is called with line as it's argument. The sub's return value is printed like usual. breakOn : 1, if the execution of triggers should stop if this one matched, 0 otherwise (default = 0). isActive: The initial trigger state (default = 1). (see setTriggerState) Example: addTrigger("My_Trig1", "^evil guy says:", ""); # this adds a trigger which hides every line starting # with "^evil guy says:"